30% Discount
Stay Visible on Google Hotel Ads Amid DMA Changes

Ensure your hotel remains visible on Google Hotel Ads, even with the recent changes brought by the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Google discontinuating its Google Hotel Search integration with Mews. The DMA has had already an impact on hoteliers' online visibility; a drop in clicks and bookings (20-30%) has been noticed in the last months, whether from the paid section or the organic one (which is less visible than ever after such Act). Get started today and reclaim your online visibility with a 30% discount!

myhotelshop google ad
CPA example

Special Offer for Mews Customers

By partnering with us, you can maintain your direct link in the Google Hotel Ads organic section and further boost your online visibility by aggregating Google Hotel paid ads.Sign up with us before the end of July and receive a 30% discount on setup fees. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your hotel’s direct revenue!

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